eMMA | Analyst

eMMA Analyst is a flexible and versatile module for the analysis of measurement results. Using statistical key performance indicators (KPIs), it provides insights that enables you to have better control over prototyping, launch, ramp-up and production processes. eMMA Analyst supports both PDF documentation and interactive on-the-fly 3D analysis.

Standardized evaluation algorithms and uniform company-wide reports

The 3D environment integrated into eMMA Analyst offers different graphs to display the measurement results associated with each feature. The available graphs vary among single result display to multiple results display for the visualization of, e.g., trend charts and SPC metrics. Besides the natively supported graphs, eMMA Analyst also supports the computation and visualization of statistical metrics using the qs-STAT engine.

Overview of production quality over time

The fast and easy loading and selection of measurement results along with the graphic options for the display of the results provide a clear overview of the production quality over time. The results of these analyses can later be saved as a 3D session or exported as a PDF report or PowerPoint presentation for easier distribution.

Function-specific tolerances for each phase of the product lifecycle

Evaluation definitions (AWDs) enable the application of specific quality standards (tolerances) to a subset of measurement results. For example, setting up specific feature tolerances for a determined period of time. This technique favors the adaptation of quality standards to particular stages of the product lifecycle or special production orders.


  • Streamlined process evaluations to boost quality assurance across product lines
  • Consistent and transparent processes for root cause identification and correction
  • Process evaluations throughout the assembly process

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Christian G. H. Meinertz
T +45 4086 5526

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