I dag kombineres optiske sensorer som f.eks. 3D Patch, Werth Laser Probe, Chromatic Focus Probe, Nano Focus Probe og Werth Interferometer Probe med billedbehandling. Brugen af klassiske taktile sensorer til måling af enkeltpunkter eller scanning, den patenterede Werth Contour Probe og den patenterede Werth 3D Fiber Probe øger anvendelsesmulighederne, især ved måling af egenskaber, som ikke kan måles med optikken.
Precise and flexible optical measuring system
- Wide zoom range (0.7x to 6.8x)
- Variable working distance (20 – 200 mm 0.8” – 8”)
- High accuracy with high magnification / Large field of view at lower magnification
- High accuracy and repeatability due to linear bearings system
- Encoders in the drive unit guarantee long term stability and repeatability
Sensor Category
- Optical
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Werth MultiRing®
- Angle of incidence programmable
- No loss of working distance
- No moving parts
- Programmable incidence angle over large range
- High performance white LEDs
Sensor Category
- Optical
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
2D Fiber Probe
- Smallest and most accurate probe for 2D evaluations world-wide
- Mechanical fiber sensor with optical evaluation from image processor
- Transmitted light and self illumination mode
- Lowest contact force of 1 µN
- Sphere diameters down to 25 µm
- Control and evaluation software for fully automatic measurements
Sensor Category
- Optical, Touch
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
3D Fiber Probe
- Ultra high precision 3D measurements
- 2D image processing combined with a laser distance sensor
- Self illumination mode
- Lowest contact force of 1 µN
- Probe sphere diameters from 0.040 mm to 0.250 mm
- Control and evaluation software for fully automatic measurements
Sensor Category
- Optical, Touch
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Werth LaserProbe
- Laser sensor using the Foucault operation approach
- No loss of measuring range due to integration of the laser in the optical beam path
- Lowest spot size for measurements of smallest details (3 µm with WLP 10x lens)
- Automatic control of laser intensity and intelligent software design enables measurements of various surface types
- Scanning of surfaces up to 85º of vertical
Sensor Category
- Laser
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Chromatic Focus Probe
- Measurement of highly reflective, absorbent and transparent materials
- Measuring results are independent of the surface properties
- Especially suitable for fast and precise measurements on reflective surfaces, lenses, prisms and other optical devices
- Flexible probe configurations for highly customized applications
Sensor Category
- Laser
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Renishaw Touch / Scan Probes
- Complete integration of TP200, SP25, SP600 and SP80
- PH10 integration with each individual tilt and rotary position
Sensor Category
- Touch
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Werth IP40 T / IP110T
- Tilting sensor with image processing
- LED 8 Quad. DF LED-Brightfield
- Electronic Zoom 5x with telecentric optic 4x
- Renishaw PH10M mount
Sensor Category
- Optical, Touch
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Contour Probe
- Contour tracer in a coordinate measuring machine
- Measurement in workpiece coordinates
- Capable of scanning in any direction
- Micro and macro structures can be measured
- Calibration of optical measurements
Sensor Category
- Touch
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Laser Line Probe
- Fast Measurement of surfaces within the lower accuracy range
- Mountable on PH6 or PH10
- Automatic control of intensity
- Simultaneous acquisition of all points per line, max. 250 lines/sec
- Measuring range (distance) appr. 25mm
Sensor Category
- Laser
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
Interferometer Probe
- Measurement of components with difficult aspect ratios
- Motions in workpiece coordinates
- Scan of micro and macro structures
- Manufacturing technology allows custom sizes of the fiber diameter (125 µm)
Sensor Category
- Optical
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
NanoFocus Probe
- Scan of 3D topography of high accurate features
- Very high point density
- Suitable to perform non-contact roughness measurements
- High flexibility using a range of different front lenses
Sensor Category
- Optical
- Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Plastics-Molding, Electronics
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Du kan også selv kontakte os ved at ringe til Christian Meinertz, T +45 4086 5526
Werth Messtechnik GmbH
Kvalitet, præcision og innovation har dannet grundlaget for en succesfuld virksomhedsvækst hos Werth Messtechnik GmbH i over 60 år.