The Q-DAS CAMERA Concept implements performance measurement systems efficiently for quality assessment in industrial production. It provides innovative software tools and procedures designing a well-structured and dynamic performance measurement system. Users can perform process analyses quickly in all phases of quality data flow. Task-related software packages offer practical solutions.

The Q-DAS CAMERA Concept does not only consist of Q-DAS software products, but it is closely linked to a range of services supporting companies in introducing, implementing and maintaining this system. We advise you on any statistical issue from the definition and calculation of statistics through to the configuration of an evaluation strategy to process optimisation.

CAMERA Concept Phases

The Q-DAS CAMERA Concept consists of different phases in the context of (automated) data recording. The collecting phase integrates systems processing quality-relevant data based on the Q-DAS AQDEF data format or via interfaces to measuring instruments, PLC controls or superior systems such as ERP, CAQ, MES etc. The software visualises recorded data in real time and controls them statistically in assessing. It immediately informs users as soon as any SPC alarm criterion is violated.

Central data storage and maintenance are key aspects for the management of data in the managing phase. The data are subject to automated statistical evaluations according to defined specifications (standard, corporate and association guidelines) in evaluating. These specified evaluation strategies form the basis for the reproducibility of results and the supply of information to the planning and management level.

The reporting phase of the Q-DAS CAMERA Concept documents these evaluation results. Q-DAS software products show results in manually generated result reports, automatically sent reports, dashboards or at websites etc. The archiving phase mainly focuses on applying available mechanisms to make huge amounts of data permanently accessible without any loss of information or performance.

CAMERA Concept Benefits

  • Standardised interfaces to various systems

  • Comprehensive analysis through integration of quality and process data

  • Validated statistical evaluation

  • Automated evaluation and user-specific display of results

  • Modular system

  • Standardised implementation processes and extensive implementation experience

  • International network for global support on site

Q-DAS standard-software vs CAMERA-konceptet

Q-DAS standard-software retter sig imod en specifik opgave, som kunden ønsker at løse her og nu, og betragtes derfor som en slags “stand-alone løsning”.

Derimod kræver brugen af CAMERA-konceptet normalt et forløb med fælles planlægning, konfiguration og installation sammen med kunden.

CAMERA-konceptet bruges til at opbygge et automatiseret performance-målesystem til opsamling og måling af kvaliteten i industriel produktion.


C A M E R A er bygget op af seks overordnede moduler:

  • Collecting (indsamling)
  • Assessing (vurdering)
  • Management (håndtering)
  • Evaluation (evaluering)
  • Reporting (rapportering)
  • Archiving (arkivering)

og beskriver derfor alle funktioner i målesystemet til brug i Kvalitetssystemet.

I den følgende tabel beskrives typiske anvendelser af det enkelte produkt

Q-DAS moduler oversigt


  • Standardised interfaces
  • Validated statistical evaluation
  • Automated evaluation

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Christian G. H. Meinertz
T +45 4086 5526

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