New Versions

12 ( and 13 (

Version will be the last update for version 12 and in the future you will only be able to get help for version 12 to a limited extent. As you might already know, Q-DAS no longer supports V11.

We therefore advise all our customers to update to version 13 as soon as possible. The structure of V12 and V13 does not differ greatly, so an update from V12 to V13 is extremely straightforward and can be done in a very short time.

Important! In connection with the update from V11 to V13, all databases must be updated. Access can still be used, but we discourage this because Microsoft is phasing out the use of Access. Therefore, use free MSSQL or MSSQL Express.

Also note that the new Web programs such as qs-STAT WEB and O-QIS Web as well as the new automatic tool compensation program require the installation of V13.

Contact us for a offer on the update

Please note that the program itself is part of the maintenance agreement, but that the update must be paid for.


Jørgen Meinertz
Administrende direktør
T +45 4050 9480

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