News from ISO

There are currently 143 GPS standards released and 15 under development. Of interest are the 18183 series standards on partition.

122 statistical standards have been published and 18 are under development. One of the development projects is the 11462-5 Quality data exchange format for SPC software.

Note that the frequently used standard 3951-1 has been issued in new edition with many changes.


New versions of Q-DAS programs

A new version of the Q-DAS program V14 is now available.

V14 / 220928 (59922) – 14.0. 2. 1 and 13 / 220901 (59887) –

If you are interested in Q-DAS programs and would like a demo version please contact us.

Please inform us about your present version in use.



We hold the following courses during the rest of the year.

  • AUKOM GPS 10-12 October
  • Sampling systems (see attached document on sampling systems) 1 November
  • QS-STAT Key user November 3-4
  • Procella Key user November 10-11
  • Measurement Uncertainty MSA and VDA 5 November 14-15
  • AUKOM steps 28 November – 2 December

Please contact us about the mentioned courses. We can also arrange special courses or company courses in the areas of statistics, calibration and measurement technology.



Approval of batches of parts using sampling plans.

We have noticed for a long time that ISO’s standards on Sampling Plans 2859 and 3951 are used incorrectly in companies, and that the prerequisites for their use are not known. You can read more about this topic in the attached document and/or participate in our course on 1 November. Also hear about our software for sample systems.

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